
Operation topcat
Operation topcat

  1. #Operation topcat driver#
  2. #Operation topcat software#
  3. #Operation topcat zip#

Normally I'd loop through all the records initially, but since it's a buffered store, I don't have all of the records at first. Everything is working fine, but I'd like to have the expander default to open based on an attribute (in this case a simple boolean value) in the store.

operation topcat

I've got a grid in front of a buffered store and a rowExpander plugin. This should produce some comments.RegardsDave Baggs.I'm trying to accomplish something which sounds simple, but I'm not finding a solution. Following along these lines at target N1 there is no more or less thrust from the engines.On my bike now, only my thoughts and some facts, Assumed Temps for another day. The target N1 is acheived regardless off pack operation, APU operation or even engine bleed valve position. This shortfall of N1 is made up by moving thrust lever to burn more fuel increasing the energy until N1 thrust is obtained.

operation topcat


#Operation topcat driver#

Balanced Field.By drawing bleed air from compressor to operate any pneumatic system(s) reduces energy available to drive N2 and more importantly N1 turbines. The driver must acknowledge this by signing the carrier copy. I shall try to explain my thoughts, the target thrust (N1) needed for weight, runway length, pressure altitude and temperature is related to allow the A/C to reach less than V1 with sufficient runway length to stop and also to allow the A/C to continue takeoff at V1 on 1 engine and obtain 35ft over runway far end. Packs on or off has nothing to do with thrust required (N1). 6, 11, 12 Briefly, TOPCAT was an international, multicenter, randomized, doubleblind, placebo.

operation topcat

11 A detailed description of the study protocol, design, and patient characteristics has been reported previously. That's it.For what its worth, nearly right my friend. We assessed the effects of spironolactone in patients with HFpEF with resistant hypertension using data from the TOPCAT study. If you have the Packs on the APU, you have more available thrust coming out of the back of the engine, so you can de-rate the thrust more. TOPCAT's mention of the APU being on or off is for whether or not you're going to run the APU for the Packs on takeoff or not. You not understanding it, or refusing to do so has no bearing on its relevance. In the end, the original comparison or this one are a fully valid explanation of why the argument was absurd. Happy with a simpler metaphor in the same market sector? To be honest, it really doesn't matter.

#Operation topcat software#

Just because you pay for said software doesn't mean it should do X, Y, Z, and probably A, too, even if they're all along the same function.There. I have a product that's advertised as doing X, and you pay for it. Get that sorted for me please." That's not how business works. It would be like me walking up to any aircraft developer here for FS and saying "you know, we paid for your aircraft software, it should be wider ranging and have more features. That's just absurd, really, especially since the covered models are clearly listed on the TOPCAT page, and when new models are released, we generally even get them for free. You get what you pay for, and you pay for what is there right now, and that's what I stated very clearly in my message above.You want software? Then I'll give you software:The poster was asserting that TOPCAT should be more wider ranging, simply because we're paying for it. I made a comparison with situations in two different realms entirely, intentionally, in order to show the insanity of the assertion.

#Operation topcat zip#

I am sure people would pay to get bits added if it was required but support for the program has been zip lately.John, I don't understand where your aggression is coming from in regards to my earlier post. Compare software with software and the see how you get on with support. It really peeves me when people make comparisons like this. While 800 and 700 are the most popular options for the 737 in real life, and consequently in FS, 600 is especially an oddball in both realms, and there is only a couple of people that fly it primarily, even less so are TOPCAT users, or perspective users.Ask yourself, would you be willing to spend additional tens, if not hundred of dollars to offset the development cost for the author? Not to mention that there are other, more desired types, such as 777 (which will be even more desired as PMDG nears completition), AIrbus family, or E-jet family (the last two admittedly being problematic in regard to data sourcing, not having the likes of Boeings FPPMs available)

operation topcat

The amount of data in TOPCAT is unprecedent, and so is the amount of work needed to integrate an aircraft type.Even if FPPM was readily provided to TOPCAT authors (who are now busy finishing the other project, PFPX), for example via the way of PMDGs (who I hear are fans of the program) Boeing connections, there is still no commercial basis for inclusion of 600 and 900.

Operation topcat